Sunday, January 6, 2008

NP Ann Trump.

Here is my progress as of January 13, 2008

Fabric: 28ct Antique Ivory
Thread: DMC
Method: Over One


Patricia said...

Are you enjoying working over one, Jean? I've tried it quite a few times but seem to get put off by it and go back to working over two threads. Your Tranquility is coming along really well. I have it too but have not started it yet as Vierlanden is still on the go. Happy New Year! I enjoy reading your blog. BTW, there are two Blue Ribbon Sampler books on eBay right now. Just thought you'd like to know if you are still searching for one.

Wawanna said...

Great luck with your gardeing plans and your writing. Your new start looks super, hope the rotation works out well for you. Have fun, I know you will. Happy stitching.